
My soul, Jerusalem: —An Inner View of Tisha B’Av

by Yedidah July 28, 2020
Thumbnail image for My soul, Jerusalem:  —An Inner View of Tisha B’Av

When we look at the mourning on Tisha b’Av, we are actually mourning the disconnect with our spiritual source. Destruction of the temple in Jerusalem meant that the direct revelation of the light of God was no longer available to the people as a whole. Gradually living without the direct revelation of God in our lives has become the norm. We need to remember that this is not normal, and each one of us needs to mourn and long for a direct connection with the Creator in our mind heart and soul. This is the rebuilding of Jerusalem within ourselves.

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Coronavirus, Chaos, and Kabbalah

by Yedidah June 22, 2020
Thumbnail image for Coronavirus, Chaos, and Kabbalah

Our world, both politically and culturally is in turmoil. Our value systems are being turned upside down. Freedom of speech in the West is no longer guaranteed. Our economic systems serve only a few with the majority suffering under huge burdens. And, in more than one country, democracy itself and the freedom of the individual are under attack. All this was true before, but now added to that is the Coronavirus crisis and the latest riots in the US and the world. Where are we heading?
Times of chaos are definitely uncomfortable for us: and we are the individuals who are destined to live through them. But such times also provide opportunities for us to reassess our values and to make new decisions in the directions that we, as individuals, as families, and as communities want to go.

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Why do we feel conflicted over Torah and mitzvot? – a post for Shavuot

by Yedidah May 26, 2020
Thumbnail image for Why do we feel conflicted over Torah and mitzvot? – a post for Shavuot

All the Jewish people living today are sparks of the 600, 000 root souls of Israel that stood together at Mount Sinai and received the Torah. Those root souls are us. We reincarnate, time and again, throughout the generations. And so we too stood together at the foot of the Mountain and experienced the voice of God. That moment is forever etched into our souls.

On the other hand when we are told what is in the Torah, we begin to see it makes demands on us. It demands that we work with it,  learn it, practice it.  It makes ethical demands, in action not just in thought. It has mitzvot for us to keep whether they are convenient or not, whether we have grown up with them or not; mitzvot which declare our relationship with God as well as delineating our ethical relationship with our fellow human being; mitzvot of action and of feeling; mitzvot of thought and speech. The Torah demands a living, active relationship with God, here in the now. Not as something historical. The Torah doesn’t let us bask in a cozy armchair feeling of being one of the chosen people but it demands a relationship in the present. A renewed covenant, a renewed commitment. That is the meaning for us of the upcoming festival of Shavuot.

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Why was Kabbalah concealed and why is it being revealed now?

by Yedidah January 28, 2020
Thumbnail image for Why was Kabbalah concealed and why is it being revealed now?

Why was Kabbalah hidden form previous generations, and why is it revealed to us now? We find it is not because we are worthy, but that without Kabbalah we cannot fulfill the purpose of our lives and come to the full redemption which is now close.

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Rabbi Ashlag Achieves Enlightenment

by Yedidah December 5, 2019
Thumbnail image for Rabbi Ashlag Achieves Enlightenment

Many of us have dreamed of the moment when we will receive the light of God. When our deepest longings, our emptiness, our feelings of disconnection, will all be assuaged and the greatest joy known to the human being, the revelation of the light of God, will be given to us.
Such a state of enlightenment was given to Rabbi Yehudah Leib Ashlag, who later in his life became known as “Master of the Ladder.” But what happens after that?

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Rabbi Ashlag as Translator

by Yedidah November 3, 2019
Thumbnail image for Rabbi Ashlag as Translator

Rabbi Ashlag translated the language of Kabbalah— the language of Sephirot and partzufim— into ideas that can be understood by the ordinary person. Many people mistakenly think that if you know what the Sephirot stand for and you have some knowledge of the four spiritual worlds that makes you a Kabbalist. But Rabbi Ashlag taught that the Sephirot are simply the bricks to build with, they are the consonants and the vowels of a language of feeling, of intention, and of relationships; aspects of ourselves that, in our day- to- day language, we have no words for.

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