The Gate of Tears is Never Locked

by Yedidah on September 28, 2014

gate of tears is never locked

We spend the day on Yom Kippur praying. But will our prayers be answered? Do we know what our real needs are?
The Sages of the Talmud gave us a clue:

“Rabbi Elazar said that when the Temple was destroyed all the gates of prayer were closed; but even though the gates of prayer were closed the gate of tears is never locked.”

Rabbi Baruch Shalom Ashlag asks the seemingly simple question. If the gate of tears is never closed, why is it a gate? To answer this he helps us examine our true motives and our true feelings.
When are we praying for our very life? For what is really crucial for us?

Rabbi Baruch Shalom teaches us in this pivotal article for Yom Kippur, what real prayer is.

From the Sefer HaMamarim of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Ashlag, with grateful thinks to Shmuel Igar Kinyan who studied it with me

Other talks on Yom Kippur.

“The Inner Essence of Yom Kippur”, “From the depths I call on You”, “Yom Kippur : A chance to reclaim our true identity”

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