Shame is a Precious Feeling

by Yedidah on August 20, 2013

Shame is a consequence of our Divinity

One of the problems of the work of the month of Elul is the language of confession, sin and repentance. We want to get closer to God. We understand this as being the message of the month of Elul.  But the emphasis on looking at areas in our lives where we have messed up and the feelings of shame this arouses, is difficult for us all.

The Sages, however,  see the feeling of shame as something positive! Shame wakes up in us when we sense a discrepancy between our acts and our potential, and it has the power to bring us to true Teshuvah.

Talk inspired from Ani l’Dodi, writings for the month of Elul, by Rabbi Chaim Sabato with understandings from the Kabbalah of Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag

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