
The Creation: The Vision of the End is Inherent in its Beginning

by Yedidah October 30, 2015
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In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. From that English translation we would infer that this verse is talking about the initial creation, which subsequently unfolded. But the Sages of the Zohar took a rather different view of this statement. They saw this verse as embodying the glorious fulfillment of the Creation, when humankind will come to a full consciousness of compassion and love.

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The Torah as a Jewel

by Yedidah June 8, 2015
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“She shall give to your head a garland of grace, a crown of glory she shall grant you” The inner beauty of the Torah speaks to our soul, as the essence of the Torah , the essence of the soul and the essence of the Creator are One. A life of Torah is a beautification of the Creation . From the teachings of Rabbi Ashlag on the Zohar and on the Etz Chayim of the Ari z”l

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The Hidden Beauty of the Spiritual Night

by Yedidah May 17, 2015
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The term “night”, in the language of the Kabbalah refers to the time when the Creator’s presence is hidden from us. We yearn for the day… . But is there something we are missing? The Zohar hints to us that there is a special value to the time of the night. From the teachings of Rabbi Ashlag in preparation for the festival of Shavuot.

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He Keeps His Promise

by Yedidah April 9, 2015
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Blessed be He who keeps His promise to Israel.
This saying in the Haggadah gets greater force when we learn a remarkable article in the Zohar, in which we learn how faith played a crucial part in the redemption and that God, kept His promise to the froefathers, Abraham Isaac and Jacob to the letter. This is a promise we rely on even today.

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Inner slavery / Inner Redemption

by Yedidah January 25, 2015
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Rabbi Ashlag teaches that all the events of the Torah are not simply historical events but a record of the revelation of God within us. Thus in our psyche we find all the elements of the story of the Exodus, including the inner Pharaoh. How does this inner pharaoh manifest, and what is going to help us get free?

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When God’s Light is Hidden From Us

by Yedidah December 11, 2014
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“O God, My God, You, I seek You. My soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You, in an arid and thirsty land without water” ( Psalm 63). David said these words when he was in sorrow and trouble. The Zohar looks at the circumstances in which David said this Psalm , and shows us the nature of God’s light when it is hidden from us. It transpires that David is actually teaching us the consciousness of God’s light when it is concealed from us and how we may yet connect with God even when we can’t.

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