
What the Books of Kabbalah are Really About

by Yedidah June 4, 2013
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Rabbi Ashlag wrote both technical and discursive works, which seem easier to understand. Yet it is through his technical works that we learn the underlying processes of the souls. Actually all the works point to one thing. How to fulfill the purpose of our lives.

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The Night of the Bride: A Class on the Essence of Shavuot

by Yedidah May 12, 2013
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Rabbi Ashlag teaches: the night is the time of exile when the soul is separated form God , but it is through Torah and mitzvot that the soul reunites with God. This is the meaning of Shavuot.

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Joining Heart and Mind

by Yedidah April 25, 2013
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The ego expresses itself through the heart and mind. The Kabblists teach that even though it separates us from the soul and from the Creator, its origin is in the purpose of Creation. The tikkun of the ego leads to the unification of mind, heart and soul to form a coherent vessel for the light of God.

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The Torah: The Soul’s Voice

by Yedidah February 3, 2013
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The Zohar states that the Torah, the soul and the Holy Blessed One are one. It also states that God is hidden in the Torah.
How does Torah differ from other knowledge? How can  the Torah help me hear my soul? What qualities do I need to cultivate in order to find the Essence of God hidden in the Torah?

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Kabbalah: What is it?

by Yedidah December 31, 2012
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A Kabbalist is not someone who knows Holy Names but rather someone who allows the light of the Torah to shed light on his own motives and intentions. From the Zohar and the teachings of Rabbi Ashlag

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Chanukah: The Triumph of the Soul over the Ego

by Yedidah December 10, 2012
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Rabbi Ashlag teaches us that a human being is considered as a small world. The elements of the Bible stories are to be found within each one of us. So inside each of us we have the element of the Children of Israel and the element of Pharoah. We have the element of Jacob and the element of Esau. Similarly for Chanukah we have within ourselves the element of the Greeks and the Maccabee within us. What do these parts of ourselves represent? Why do they battle?

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