Rosh haShanah

Writing in the Book of Life

The code of Jewish law, known as the Shulchan Aruch, states that we need to prepare the prayers of the High Holy days in advance so that when it comes to the actual moment to pray on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we are fully prepared and familiar with the prayer.

Of course, this sounds totally reasonable. After all, when preparing for an important meeting we often go over in our mind precisely what it is we wish to say. So that when we come to the pivotal moment when we ask for what we want or what we envisage for the next year, we need to have thought about it in advance. Since the prayers of Rosh Hashanah differ from those we say the rest of the year it would be good to familiarize ourselves with them.

But Rabbi Ashlag takes this requirement of the Shulchan Aruch in a different direction. He asks us to be clear that what we say with our mouths is what we really mean with our hearts. We have to really want what we are asking for. And the chief prayer that we say is ” Write us for life” .

Why wouldn’t we mean it? When we cry out, “Write us in the book of life,” surely we mean it with all our hearts?! But Rabbi Ashlag teaches us that hte prayer “Write us in the book of life” is not referring to our physical life but to the desire to be connected in affinity of form with the Source of all Life. This involves letting go of our will to receive for ourselves alone, our egoistical desires, and living a life of unconditional giving. This certainly is a proposition that we need to consider and discover honestly what we feel about it!

So Rabbi Ashlag encourages us to prepare in advance, to think about it, realize where our resistances are and to habituate ourselves to the idea of living a life of unconditional giving that will bring us to the untold delight of a life united with the Creator but which involves entering a different paradigm for our existence, giving up our egotistical desires. We need to get used to the idea now in the month of Elul so that when we reach Rosh Hashanah we can say, ” Write us in the book of life ” with all our heart and soul!

This podcast is dedicated to the ilui nishmat of Feiga bat Rivka z”l and Aharon and Sara Kotler z”l

Material taken from HaShem Shamati Shimecha vol. 2 (Or Baruch Shalom) article 15


Rosh hashanah in the Kabbalah of Rabbi Ashlag

“Happy is the man who does not forget You and the son of man makes an effort in You.”

In this happy and optimistic letter for the New Year that Rabbi Baruch Shalom Ashlag wrote  to his friends and students in the Beit Hamidrash for Rosh Hashanah, he teaches that the themes of Rosh Hashanah are actually advice the Sages are giving us in how to come closer to our Creator.

May we all be blessed with a sweet, happy and healthy year full of goodness for each one of us , our families and the family of Mankind, Yedidah Cohen

This podcast is dedicated for a Refuah Shlemah to Rafael ben Chaya Rosa . May all the sick have a complete healing this year.

Taken from “Mictavim Rabbi  Baruch Shalom  Ashlag” Mictav 10

Further talks on  Teshuvah and Rosh hashanah

Forty days of love: From Elul to Yom Kippur

Coming back home: The shofar’s call

The language of Rosh Hashanah is derived from the Kabbalah

The Shofar, the sound of compassion

Changing our outlook on Rosh HaShanah


Sounding our own Shofar

by Yedidah September 21, 2016
Thumbnail image for Sounding our own Shofar

The great light of God that comes into the world on Rosh Hashanah is identical to that which came into the world at the time of its Creation. But if we were to receive it “straight”, as it were, it would be dangerous for us. The shofar sounds the voice of loving-kindness and compassion, which clothes this great light so all the world may benefit from the light of God in its bounty and blessing.

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Rosh Hashanah: the Festival of Choice

by Yedidah September 13, 2015
Thumbnail image for Rosh Hashanah: the Festival of Choice

Rosh HaShanah, the new year is a day of choice; a day when we are given the possibility of choosing again. This is an amazing thought. For so many of us, the days go by and we seem to have drifted into habits of thought , feeling and even actions, which on closer examination we may not in fact espouse.
So what does this new choice consist of, and how do we choose? From the Kabbalah of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Ashlag

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I am for my Beloved, and my Beloved is for Me.

by Yedidah September 8, 2014
Thumbnail image for I am for my Beloved, and my Beloved is for Me.

Our relationship with God is a dialogue. Our thoughts, words and actions, and, even more, our intentions affect this most intimate of our relationships profoundly. Nowhere is this dialogue seen more clearly than at this time of the year, when “the King is in the field” and our soul is close to us. From an oral talk by Rabbi Ashlag given to his students.

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The Shofar: the Sound of Compassion

by Yedidah September 2, 2013
Thumbnail image for The Shofar: the Sound of Compassion

The shofar brings the light of compassion into the world on Rosh Hashanah. . The year cycle starts again, bringing the original light into the world which needs balancing through the mitzvah of the shofar . A class on the Zohar and Perush HaSulam.

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