Rabbi Ashlag

Inner slavery / Inner Redemption

by Yedidah January 25, 2015
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Rabbi Ashlag teaches that all the events of the Torah are not simply historical events but a record of the revelation of God within us. Thus in our psyche we find all the elements of the story of the Exodus, including the inner Pharaoh. How does this inner pharaoh manifest, and what is going to help us get free?

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Exile Followed Inner Descent

by Yedidah January 12, 2015
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We think that our thoughts are a response to our outer reality. However, Rabbi Ashlag in examining the causes of the exile of the Children of Israel in Egypt shows that precisely the opposite occurred there. The Children of Israel suffered initially a spiritual descent, which then enabled the Egyptians to gain a hold over them they would otherwise never have achieved. The same principles hold true for each of us, regarding our own inner exiles, and our inner redemptions today.

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The Truth of Jacob

by Yedidah November 25, 2014
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The Sages of the Zohar asked Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai , Why did Jacob withhold giving Esau some lentil stew until he had sold him the birthright? The unspoken question is “Is that the way a righteous man behaves?!” Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai ‘s answer, was decisive. Jacob was a righteous man of truth who is incapable of deceiving anyone. What was this truth of Yaakov and how does it affect us till this day?

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The Binding of Isaac; the Completion of Love

by Yedidah November 13, 2014
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The Binding of Isaac, the Akedah, is not understandable in normal human terms. By studying the teachings of the Zohar on this event, we are led to see how it was an act of great love and fulfillment equivalent in its essence to that of the creation of the first day in which both Abraham and Isaac took part fully.

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And God spoke to Avraham

by Yedidah November 6, 2014
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“And God spoke to Avraham”. These three words open a new birth for humanity; they herald a new consciousness in the world— on a deeper level they are the words, which both God and Man have been waiting for, the advent of Avraham, the embodiment of loving-kindness.

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Taking it Personally: Cain and Abel

by Yedidah October 27, 2014
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The stories of the Torah are actually elements represented within ourselves. By identifying our inner Cain and our inner Abel we can find alternative means of behavior that prevent our inner Cain from “murdering” our inner Abel.

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