Rabbi Ashlag

Redemption: the Essence of Shavuot

by Yedidah June 7, 2019
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Shavuot, the festival of the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, shares the same essence as that of the day of the final redemption, when all the tikkun of Creation will be complete, and the “Earth will be filled with the knowledge of God as the water covers the sea.” What are the elements that demonstrate this, and what is our role in bringing this great day nearer? A talk from the Zohar and the commentary of Rabbi Ashlag.

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Give us the Truth of Ya’acov: True Intentions Disguised by Actions

by Yedidah November 9, 2018
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The Zohar on the story of Jacob and Esau opens us to the real intentions of our forefather Jacob. We discover that his only desire was to bring righteousness about and to help Esau despite himself.

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Not Taking Torah Literally!

by Yedidah January 26, 2018
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The Zohar itself declares we should not use the Torah as telling literal stories. These are its words:
Rabbi Shimon said: “Woe to the man who says that the Torah comes to tell literal stories and stories of people like Esau and Laban and such like. For if this were so, even in these times we could make a Torah out of the words of ordinary people — even nicer stories than these.”
In this podcast we look at Rabbi Ashlag’s disappointment to such a use of the Kabbalah and how it fueled his resolve to bring out the true wisdom of the Torah for all .

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Root and Branch: The Language of Kabbalah

by Yedidah November 23, 2017
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When we read books of kabbalah, as for example English  translations of the Zohar , or look at diagrams of the Sephirot, we often end up more puzzled than enlightened. This is because Kabbalah actually uses a specific language.

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The Words, Letters, and Sentences that Make up our Lives

by Yedidah June 19, 2017
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The words of the Torah are the vessels for its wisdom. They are written as black letters on the white parchment . The white is the light of the wisdom of the Torah, but if it were not for the letters we would not know what it says. Similarly our lacks and desires make up the words of our lives. By learning the meanings of the words of the Torah and of the Kabbalah we can understand our own desires more accurately . We look at “zivug”, the union of opposites and see how it applies to relationships.

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Sounding our own Shofar

by Yedidah September 21, 2016
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The great light of God that comes into the world on Rosh Hashanah is identical to that which came into the world at the time of its Creation. But if we were to receive it “straight”, as it were, it would be dangerous for us. The shofar sounds the voice of loving-kindness and compassion, which clothes this great light so all the world may benefit from the light of God in its bounty and blessing.

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