
Our Inner Exile and Redemption: A Class for Pesach

by Yedidah April 6, 2014
Thumbnail image for Our Inner Exile and Redemption: A Class for Pesach

“Every person needs to see him/herself as if he or she came out of Egypt.” In these words the Haggadah tells us that we all suffer from the Exile and yearn for the redemption. In this talk Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag teaches us that Pharaoh is not just the historical figure but an aspect of ourselves. How do we deal with the inner Pharaoh?

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Who knows One? From Exile to Redemption

by Yedidah February 28, 2013
Thumbnail image for Who knows One? From Exile to Redemption

The energy of exile and redemption comes around again as we approach Passover. But are we simply re-enacting an historical event? According to the Kabbalah to the extent we can experience an inner exile we can likewise come to an inner redemption. A teaching from the Haggadah of Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag, Vzot l’Yehudah.

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