Inner Exile, Inner Redemption

by Yedidah March 31, 2021
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Seder night is the night in which the greatest light of God, the light of redemption, comes into the world. It is the night in which God delivered the children of Israel from Egypt. And this energy, this great light comes into the world again every year. How will we receive it? How will we relate to it? As we start the Haggadah we say , This year we are slaves, next year we will be free. In this podcast we ask the question how and in what way are we in slavery now and what do we need to do to get free?

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When we discover the Pharaoh within us, we discover God within us

by Yedidah February 11, 2021
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The Scripture says : God said to Moses, “ Come into Pharaoh.” Rabbi Ashlag teaches us that discovering the core of our inner egoism, which is inside each one of us, ultimately helps us transform it. Furthermore, the knowledge that it was God who created the darkness within us, and there is no one else to blame, is actually the knowledge that sets us free. By approaching the darkness within us we can ask God to accompany us and help us redeem it and ourselves. From a letter of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Ashlag

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The Quest for Brotherhood

by Yedidah January 7, 2021
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On the surface, the story of Joseph and his brothers appears to be a family drama. But on examination it’s a process of development of a new quality in humanity’s consciousness—Brotherhood. This quality of mutual acceptance and the willingness to give to each other, even suffer for each other, is the basis of “All Israel are guarantors for each other” and is the prerequisite for the complete fulfillment of the Torah.

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What is Our Essence?

by Yedidah December 9, 2020
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Our essence is not something we can sense directly or feel, but then neither can we sense an electron directly. It doesn’t make it less real. Our essence has actions that affect our lives and our choices. Our essence is eternal

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Including the Physical: The Unique Quality of Judaism as a Spiritual Path

by Yedidah November 4, 2020

Many people ask is Judaism a spiritual path. This is because Judaism does not resemble other religions in the way it deals with spirituality. In other religions, there is a separation between the physical world and the spiritual world. But Judaism sees the world as a whole. It sees the physical dimension of the world as being, in itself, spiritual. This wholeness is seen when we look on all aspects of the Torah as integral parts of a whole.

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Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Rabbi Ashlag’s Unique Contribution

by Yedidah September 27, 2020
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Rabbi Yehudah Leib Ashlag, whose 66th yahrzeit falls on this Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish Year, not only penetrated and opened the Torah of the holy Ari and the holy Zohar but showed us the pathways of love that form the heart of Judaism.

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