Make for Me a Sanctuary

by Yedidah February 12, 2014
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The Torah commands ” Make for Me a sanctuary so I may dwell within them.” The Netivot Shalom teaches us that the Sanctuary in the wilderness was a map of the soul. Making a sanctuary for God today means making an appropriate vessel for His light to enter into our hearts. The planning and building of this inner sanctuary is equivalent to that of the Sanctuary built then. From the Kabbalah of Rabbi Ashlag

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What is the Light, a Vessel, and a Sephirah?

by Yedidah January 24, 2014
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In the Kabbalah terms like ” the light”, “the vessel”, “the Sephirot” are common. But these are often depicted in misleading ways such as in diagrams. Their real meaning is much richer and multi- dimensional as the Ari himself taught. and Rabbi Ashlag enlarged on.

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Mixed Motives: Are they any good?

by Yedidah January 7, 2014
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When we start to learn the Kabbalah of Rabbi Ashlag and we learn that most of our desires are driven by our own egoistic desires that separate us from the Creator, it comes as a shock. We notice that even our good deeds seem tainted with our selfish ways. We feel stuck, even paralyzed. How do we move forwards now? From the teachings of Rabbi Ashlag

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Learning Torah for the Heart’s Sake

by Yedidah December 16, 2013
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Rabbi Ashlag teaches us that the true purpose of learning Torah is in order to correct the heart. But what does he mean by “heart” and why does it need correction? How does the Torah help with this? A podcast

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Illumined by Faith: Chanukah

by Yedidah December 3, 2013
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When we start on our inner work and we understand that we want to give to our fellow man, and to God, unconditionally, we feel we can just get out there and do it. To our dismay we find, that even with the best of intentions somehow things don’t work out the way we plan. Eventually we realize we can’t do it alone. We need the Creator to help us. We need a miracle, the miracle of Chanukah. From the Kabbalah of Rabbi Baruch Ashlag

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The Language of Kabbalah is the Language of Giving

by Yedidah November 23, 2013
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Learning the Kabbalah implies learning a new language of behavior and emotions. The language of giving instead of our inbuilt responses of receiving. From the Kabbalah of Rabbi Ashlag .

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