Prayer: its Ascent and its Effect

by Yedidah June 20, 2014

All over Israel people are gathering to recite psalms or offer up prayers for the safety of the three kidnapped children. The outpouring of prayers from all sectors of the community, secular as well as religious, is unprecedented. In this podcast we learn why prayer works and offer up our own prayers for the boys’ safety. From the Kabbalah of Rabbi Ashlag.

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As One Man, with One Heart

by Yedidah June 3, 2014
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The giving of the Torah is an eternal act that never ceases; for God is always giving. So why is it that we don’t feel the revelation of God in our lives now? To receive the light of God we have to want it. What brings us to want the revelation of God’s light in our lives now, and how did the Children of Israel achieve this state at Mount Sinai? From the teachings of Rabbi Ashlag

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God is my Strength and my Song….

by Yedidah April 25, 2014
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“God is my strength and my song; He will be for me a salvation.” This phrase from the scriptures finds unexpectedly beautiful and intimate interpretations given to it by the Sages of the Zohar. Their words spoken and recorded two thousand years ago reverberate for us today, helping us in the here and now. A lesson from the Zohar itself.

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Our Inner Exile and Redemption: A Class for Pesach

by Yedidah April 6, 2014
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“Every person needs to see him/herself as if he or she came out of Egypt.” In these words the Haggadah tells us that we all suffer from the Exile and yearn for the redemption. In this talk Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag teaches us that Pharaoh is not just the historical figure but an aspect of ourselves. How do we deal with the inner Pharaoh?

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Acting out of the Box

by Yedidah March 6, 2014
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Why can’t I sense my soul? Why is it that I don’t always feel like doing actions that I know are good and kindly? Rabbi Ashlag, the great Kabbalist, teaches us that we have awareness of the paradigm related to receiving but there is a fundamental reason why acts related to altruism seems unreal to us. How do we get to act “out of the box”?

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I saw an Upside-Down World

by Yedidah February 26, 2014
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Rabbi Yoseph, the son of Rabbi Joshua Be Levi tells of his near-death experience in which he  saw what is truly real. People who we venerate in this world were often at the bottom of the scale in the world to come. Our values of this world are truly upside down! 

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