The Gate of Tears is Never Locked

by Yedidah September 28, 2014
Thumbnail image for The Gate of Tears is Never Locked

Yom Kippur is a day of prayer and supplication. But do I know what I really want to pray for? How do I know what my deepest needs really are? If I express them with the sorrow and pain I feel, will they be answered? From an essay by Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag

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I am for my Beloved, and my Beloved is for Me.

by Yedidah September 8, 2014
Thumbnail image for I am for my Beloved, and my Beloved is for Me.

Our relationship with God is a dialogue. Our thoughts, words and actions, and, even more, our intentions affect this most intimate of our relationships profoundly. Nowhere is this dialogue seen more clearly than at this time of the year, when “the King is in the field” and our soul is close to us. From an oral talk by Rabbi Ashlag given to his students.

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God blessing Man, Man blessing God

by Yedidah August 22, 2014
Thumbnail image for God blessing Man, Man blessing God

A holy dialogue increases the life and goodness in the world. The Zohar teaches us that God’s only desire is to give goodness to His created beings. Therefore all that He wants to give us is ready for us. However, we cannot always receive the goodness He wants to give, because we become separated from Him by receiving for ourselves alone. Blessing God for everything we enjoy is a simple and wonderful way that Judaism teaches us to change the one-way flow into a productive dialogue.

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My Soul, Jerusalem

by Yedidah July 29, 2014
Thumbnail image for My Soul, Jerusalem

Jerusalem is known in the Bible by different names: “the city”,” the city of David”, “the epitome of beauty”, “the city forever joined”. In the Kabbalah we learn that Jerusalem represents the soul, the focal point of our self. By learning the significance of our inner Jerusalem we learn also why we mourn for her in these three weeks and how each one of us may rebuild our inner Jerusalem. From the Kabbalah of Rabbi Ashlag.

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Keeping Faith in Good Times and Bad

by Yedidah July 16, 2014

We all have times when we feel connected, and times when we seem to lose it. How do we stay in contact with our soul, with the Shechinah, through the ups and downs? The Zohar, interpreted by Rabbi Ashlag, gives clear and helpful guidance.

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Kabbalah: A Language for the Revelation of the Divine Light

by Yedidah July 3, 2014
Thumbnail image for Kabbalah: A Language for the Revelation of the Divine Light

The Torah is the great repository and record of our connection with the Divine. Its very words are vessels which hold within them the Divine relation, as it was, as it is and as it will be. Its very essence is one with the Divine. It is both the garments for the Divine and it is one with the Divine who is clothed within it.

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