
The Words, Letters, and Sentences that Make up our Lives

by Yedidah June 19, 2017
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The words of the Torah are the vessels for its wisdom. They are written as black letters on the white parchment . The white is the light of the wisdom of the Torah, but if it were not for the letters we would not know what it says. Similarly our lacks and desires make up the words of our lives. By learning the meanings of the words of the Torah and of the Kabbalah we can understand our own desires more accurately . We look at “zivug”, the union of opposites and see how it applies to relationships.

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Torah: a Source of Balance

by Yedidah June 22, 2016
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We have two ways of relating to the goodness that the Creator gives us: receiving or giving. But these two functions are very often mutually opposite, each feeling that its own way is the correct way, even though such function is often incomplete. But a greater harmony and balance is achieved by co-operation, thus causing a third, middle way to emerge. The Torah itself comes forth from and guides us to this middle way.

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The Torah as a Jewel

by Yedidah June 8, 2015
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“She shall give to your head a garland of grace, a crown of glory she shall grant you” The inner beauty of the Torah speaks to our soul, as the essence of the Torah , the essence of the soul and the essence of the Creator are One. A life of Torah is a beautification of the Creation . From the teachings of Rabbi Ashlag on the Zohar and on the Etz Chayim of the Ari z”l

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The Hidden Beauty of the Spiritual Night

by Yedidah May 17, 2015
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The term “night”, in the language of the Kabbalah refers to the time when the Creator’s presence is hidden from us. We yearn for the day… . But is there something we are missing? The Zohar hints to us that there is a special value to the time of the night. From the teachings of Rabbi Ashlag in preparation for the festival of Shavuot.

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Purim Then and Now: A Message for our Turbulent Times

by Yedidah March 4, 2015
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We are living in turbulent times; the light of redemption is close but so are the forces of destruction growing. How do we deal with this?The inner meanings of the Megillat Esther as explained by Rabbi Ashlag teach us what choices are available to us, and how to make these choices conscious and positive.

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Taking it Personally: Cain and Abel

by Yedidah October 27, 2014
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The stories of the Torah are actually elements represented within ourselves. By identifying our inner Cain and our inner Abel we can find alternative means of behavior that prevent our inner Cain from “murdering” our inner Abel.

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