The Chanukah Candle Within

by Yedidah on December 7, 2015

The chanukah candle lights us from within as well as from without. Rabbi Baruch Shalom Ashlag

“The three components of the chanukah candle are the vessel itself, the wick and the oil. All three elements need to be present to receive the flame of Chanukah.”

Thus Rabbi Baruch Ashlag starts an amazing letter on the elements that make up the equivalent of the Hanukkah candle within each and everyone of us. The light of Hanukkah is the revelation of God’s goodness in a direct and unequivocal way, such that the weak overcame the strong, and the few the many.

Yet the story that symbolizes the whole miracle is the story of the candle. Naturally this candle should have  given out its light for one day only, but it gave out its light for  eight days. An event beyond the natural world, an event beyond logic or philosophy. A direct revelation of God’s light.

Similarly in our own lives, we yearn for the direct revelation of God’s light. Rabbi Baruch  Shalom Ashlag teaches the inner components of our own inner candle for the flame of Chanukah  to be ignited within us.

This podcast is based on a letter of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevei Ashlag taken from the book Bircat Shalom, Mamarim bavodat HaShem al derech haemet.

Dedicated for a Refuah Shlemah to Chava bat Shifra Hinde

Other talks on the inner meanings of Chanukah

The triumph of the soul over the ego

What is a miracle?

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