Rabbi Ashlag

Inner Exile, Inner Redemption

by Yedidah March 31, 2021
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Seder night is the night in which the greatest light of God, the light of redemption, comes into the world. It is the night in which God delivered the children of Israel from Egypt. And this energy, this great light comes into the world again every year. How will we receive it? How will we relate to it? As we start the Haggadah we say , This year we are slaves, next year we will be free. In this podcast we ask the question how and in what way are we in slavery now and what do we need to do to get free?

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When we discover the Pharaoh within us, we discover God within us

by Yedidah February 11, 2021
Thumbnail image for When we discover the  Pharaoh within us, we discover God within us

The Scripture says : God said to Moses, “ Come into Pharaoh.” Rabbi Ashlag teaches us that discovering the core of our inner egoism, which is inside each one of us, ultimately helps us transform it. Furthermore, the knowledge that it was God who created the darkness within us, and there is no one else to blame, is actually the knowledge that sets us free. By approaching the darkness within us we can ask God to accompany us and help us redeem it and ourselves. From a letter of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Ashlag

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The Quest for Brotherhood

by Yedidah January 7, 2021
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On the surface, the story of Joseph and his brothers appears to be a family drama. But on examination it’s a process of development of a new quality in humanity’s consciousness—Brotherhood. This quality of mutual acceptance and the willingness to give to each other, even suffer for each other, is the basis of “All Israel are guarantors for each other” and is the prerequisite for the complete fulfillment of the Torah.

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Why was Kabbalah concealed and why is it being revealed now?

by Yedidah January 28, 2020
Thumbnail image for Why was Kabbalah concealed and why is it being revealed now?

Why was Kabbalah hidden form previous generations, and why is it revealed to us now? We find it is not because we are worthy, but that without Kabbalah we cannot fulfill the purpose of our lives and come to the full redemption which is now close.

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Rabbi Ashlag as Translator

by Yedidah November 3, 2019
Thumbnail image for Rabbi Ashlag as Translator

Rabbi Ashlag translated the language of Kabbalah— the language of Sephirot and partzufim— into ideas that can be understood by the ordinary person. Many people mistakenly think that if you know what the Sephirot stand for and you have some knowledge of the four spiritual worlds that makes you a Kabbalist. But Rabbi Ashlag taught that the Sephirot are simply the bricks to build with, they are the consonants and the vowels of a language of feeling, of intention, and of relationships; aspects of ourselves that, in our day- to- day language, we have no words for.

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What does the prayer “Write me in the book of life” really mean for me?

by Yedidah September 24, 2019
Thumbnail image for What does the prayer “Write me in the book of life” really mean for me?

Can we say the prayer “ write us in the book of life” wholeheartedly? Most of us would simply say yes. But Rabbi Ashlag finds that this is not such a simple prayer as it seems on the surface. Life, does not refer to just physical life but actually means loving unconditionally and wishing to do good unconditionally. Which part of ourselves can sign up to that wholeheartedly, and what holds us back? The work of Elul for the High Holidays.

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