Jacob’s Intentions: A Man of Truth

by Yedidah on November 17, 2015

Ya'acov a man of true intention. From the kabbalah of Rabbi Ashlag

On the surface of it all, it seems a dreadful story:  A younger son cheating an older brother of what is rightfully his. So seems the story of Jacob and Esau, according to its literal meaning. However, when we learn the Torah only at the level of the Pshat, we get the outer shell, but we cannot attain the truth and wisdom of its consciousness in that way.

The great Gaon of Vilna, in his Siddur, teaches that in order to gain attainment in the Torah, that is in order to attain its emotional wisdom and have a direct perception of its spiritual meaning, we need to turn to the inner garments of the Torah, with which the Pshat is clothed.

By learning the Kabbalah, the Sod, which deals with intentions, the intentions of God in His actions and those of our holy fathers and mothers become clearer to us. We can see their actions in a true light and use this light as a guide and a beacon within our own lives.

This teaching is drawn from the Perush HaSulam of Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag on the Zohar Toledot. 

The merit of this Torah learning is dedicated for the ilui nishmata of Musha Leah Bat Paltiel z”l


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